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Manuel Kiessling's Personal Home Page

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Personal information

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My name is Manuel Kiessling. I'm 32 years old, and I live near Düsseldorf, Germany.

I'm the lead system administrator at ABACHO AG, a german search engine company, where I administer our Linux servers and server-clusters; and some Win32 machines, but we are working on that :-).

My other fields of interest are PHP/MySQL, XML/XSL, and a bit Java every now and then.

I like Open Source software and do two open source projects myself.


My personal eMail adress is
If you prefer secure communication (I do), send me a PGP/GPG encrypted eMail using my public GPG key.
My ICQ UIN is 106656105, but I'm not online on a regular basis.


My hobby is photography. Here you can find my gallery of black&white and color photographs.

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Last update of this page: $Date: 2005-05-30 12:23:32 $ by Manuel

Everything on this page is (c) 2000-2005 Manuel Kiessling unless otherwise stated. You may use it after you read the About section.
For any questions or suggestions send me an eMail.

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